all my email conservative click bait news sites cant be reached because of DNS issues with cloud flare. U seeing the same?
off to be trafficked
then why the rampant fake hate crimes?
make it viral after adding- now how does that compare to the freedom convoy eh?
whites not allowed in taxpayer funded school.
Contrary to what the liberals tell you racism works both ways. Black people are not exempt from being racist, Asians are not exempt from being racist, whites are not exempt from being racist, everyone can be racist, but not everyone IS racist.
But try telling that to Portland and their only Charter school, because there are no whites allowed there.
It will be a quasi-private but somewhat public school operating in conjunction with one of the local school districts. But hereโs the twist. They will only be accepting BIPOC students (Black, Indigenous, people of color). No children from Asian, white or Jewish families need apply. (
"NINA- No Irish Need Apply"
white pipo are bad is the message and Lianna is a racist perprutating that it;s ok to ignore facts and lie and live in fantasy land.
fake rhetoric, the dems were against these when trump promoted them. Secondly I dont believe anything is going to change anything until and arrest for TREASON is done and they are found guilty.