I guess he won't be VP then? Or Will he? Can he be worse than Pence?
That Livestream on Global News. Isn't that a CCCP News Org like Global Times. They only have a few people on their and it looks and sounds like they are All towing the Party Line. >>15658662
Orange Jeep Bad!>>15658662
It is sickening to see this. The "Protesters" were happy and having fun and the cops are legit stormtroopers. Like Jan 6th. I was in the crowd, never got close to the Capital building becaus eI was freezing my butt off. It was like a party everyone was happy, smoking weed, it was like Woodstock. The poor people, grandma's and such that were tricked into "Trespassing" on property built and funded by them is bullshit.
This guy looks like part of the (((Tribe))) he probably wont get arrested and get where he wants. Yeah he has been there the whole time , just saying.