Ottawa police are now actively fomenting conflict and putting the safety of everyone at risk
Ottawa police are now actively fomenting conflict and putting the safety of everyone at risk
THIS division is what Castro Jr and his handlers WANT.
These people are sick, twisted and evil.
Ottawa police are now actively waging a war on Canada.
Police are assaulting protestors, protestors are fighting back.
Stand down, Ottawa police, YOU'RE BREAKING THE LAW. These are persons protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms you are threatening, harassing, intimidating and goading into conflict.
Castro Jr regime doesn't even want there to be a debate in the Cabinet.
Holding the Cabinet hostage by illegal tyrannical police state warfare.
Jan 6 Capitol 'evacuation' anyone?
Did the fake news report how Castro Jr's 2 year long country wide lockdowns and mandates were economic destruction?
Or are they only smearing the Truckers protesting against that economic destruction, as bringing about economic destruction?
I say focus on the Trudeau Foundation. Pay for Play.
Ottawa Police are actively trying to foment conflict so that Castro Jr can then smear the protestors, who have been peaceful for weeks, as the one's fomenting conflict.
The Russian PEOPLE, the American PEOPLE, and Canadian PEOPLE, and the European PEOPLE, are all united.
Russia has a choice:
Declas Holodomor
They want to DOX and threaten/kill everyone who helped POTUS dismantle the NWO.
Bill Gates:"Sadly the virus itself particularly the variant called Omicron is a type of vaccine, creates both B cell and T cell immunity and it's done a better job of getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines."
….."sadly" Omicron is a vaccine more effective than jabs?
Video proof the Ottawa police are INITIATING violence against the protesting persons protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The Ottawa Police are breaking the law.
It's on tape.
Anons are dominated by nobody and nothing except God.
Fake News scouring social media for ANY story to weaponize against and smear legal protests.
The Hegelian 'inversion' of Christianity.
To the megalomaniacal solipsist Hegel, the story of Jesus wasn't God become Man, but Man (namely Hegel) become God.
Hegel was biggest 'logical' influence on Karl Marx.
Rest is history.
People's views on both Eschatology and Creatology have gigantic impacts on how the world operates.
ADL had to change their website because their definition of racism was itself racist.
They have no moral authority over anyone.
Epstein's power gone.
Maxwell's power gone.
ADL is a tempest in a teapot.
Schopenhauer had relatively little influence on the radical left as it is today.
More of an academic pursuit.
And division shills to post smears of religion.
By the way, Schopenhauer's statement is inconsistent, for it itself a demand on how people shall think about religion.
Every solipsist contradicts themselves eventually.
Why are you asking Anon, glowie?
Huge moment.
How are the rantings of a victim of dementia on what they believe Putin believes, a 'huge moment'?
Biden can say what he believes someone else believes all day, it means nothing.
How so? The [99%] are in the same sentences as [Patriots].
The [1%]'s are in their own sentence, thus logically implying a difference from [Patriots].
Most people are united, there is just a LOUD tint fringe minority that controls echoes, making it falsely appear otherwise.
Jason Bourne.
You need to try harder.
Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly is a national security threat, attacking persons protected under the national Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
>is there any kind of law we can invoke to keep them delivering goods?
They mean SLAVERY.
Retirement account, been around for decades.
what does that even mean?
Is is similar to when the fake news every day says 'russian collusion' for 4 years in a row without evidence?
He's not right to smear and belittle religion as 'animal training' on the basis that it serves to guide human thought and action.
The reason he had to smear religion was because his extreme solipsism limited his mind into seeing only his own 'will', his own self, as anything and everything God could be.
Schopenhauer's own thesis contradicts itself. For it is itself a call on training minds on how they shall think.
And you're doing that here too.
You're trying to convince Anon how Anon shall think.
Determinists always leave an escape hatch for themselves.
This is the way
Nothing but clown division shilling to smear women and portray '800 lbs hacker' as anti-women.
I think Biden is talking in code and referring to Durham.
Would Trump EVER telegraph what he expects any foreign power to do?
Biden is just writing from a script.
He has no clue what's going on.
Video nuked
>Religion claims to "already know" when we really don't know anything about actual divinity aside from what we can interpret through our own experience.
This presumes and has no explanation for why it is taking for granted the notion that any and all 'experience' is ontologically divided from reality.
Religion does not "claim" anything. People do. Religion is a reference to faith in a God.
To say that 'we can't know anything about divinity apart from what we can interpret through our own experience' is ITSELF a claim to 'already know' the human condition.
If 'experience' and 'interpretation' is the only phenomena we could ever have, then that statement itself must be but an experience and interpretation subject to all the 'flaws' it was originally directing at religion.
There has no be more because every epistemology that attacks human reason is necessarily an internally inconsistent system outputting contradictory statements.
You can't attack the human mind as incapable of going beyond such artificial limits when that very attack undermines its own claim to objective truth about the human condition.
How can you even have a grounding of knowledge to even claim there exists a perceiving subject?
"Experience" can't logically be the datum