Just because someone uses a mobility scooter doesn't mean they can't walk. Sometimes it is because it hurts like shit to walk.
Sauce it faggot.
Here's another gem of a fox journo.
Had "MAGA Jan6 CIVIL WAR" written on their shirts on J6.
The is of the enemy the media people.
The fuck?
We don't engage in or promote violence here glowie. Especially on animals. Go tell the FBI you failed.
Fucking sauce it faggot. Until then you are a fucking liar.
What's your badge number feddie?
It's not a joke when you cunts have been pushing this shit for hours without any sauce. Your intent is to poison the well. Fuck you and your boss George Soros.
Not really one for war. Peace is the prize. Go fuck Romney or some other warhawk traitor.
How bout I fucking neck you bitch? People have been on here saying she died with no sauce.