… I cannot help but intuit that it is one of those "drop ins" that the intelligence and psyops people occasionally resort to on the internet, both to dye the waters and to see where it goes. This story is so outlandish, and raises so many issues, that I have to comment about it, in spite of the fact that it is a case of "whistleblower" testimony.
With all that in mind, here's what Mr. C.S. found:
[fascinating read]
… it's a full twenty-five pages in length when printed off without the additional comments (where it comes in at an incredible 61 pages). There is no date, so far as I can tell, for this piece, but judging by the comments, most of which occurred in 2010, one might assume that 2010 was the year of the posting.
Whether one accepts this article at face value, or even if one assumes it is a sort of "drop in" and deliberately created "limited hangout" position, the thesis it suggests is quite breathtaking, and I am going to do my best to elaborate and paraphrase a formal thesis statement from the contents of the article:
Thesis:Those who have argued through the years that NASA has been "doctoring" photographs from other celestial bodies, especially Mars, are correct. This has been enabled by the very secret development and deployment of quantum entanglement communications technologies, which allow censors a "first" and "nearly instantaneous look" at planetary surfaces, which can be distorted by algorithms using the same entangelment process, before such images are transmitted to Earth via "normal" radio and television signals at much slower light speed.
Corollary:Part of the secret space program has been reliant on entanglement communications.
What intrigues me about this article is, as I said, the "feel" of being a "drop in," and "drop ins" are only as effective as the elements of truth and detail in them. And this is, as one can see, a very detailed article. In fact, that very detail might be the "hook" that gets people to sign on with an otherwise "over the top scenario." It is, like all stories of this nature, difficult if not impossible to verify…
This story, by comparison, is much more bland, and what intrigues one about it is that there is a bit of public corroboration, at least, of its bare outlines, which involve space-based quantum communication to securely transmit information; the Chinese have recently done proof-of-concept experiments in precisely this manner, suggesting that they might, indeed, intend such systems for their space program.