Another interesting piece from Gatestone today about the sad state of the UK. The continued demoralization and destruction of the white Western world—by Islam…courtesy of your friendly globalist/cabal politicians. And what an amazing coincidence that the cabal installed all these childless leaders like Teresa May into the highest positions of power and influence all over Europe. Hitler was bad, but even he was not as bad as this. Facism is back in style in Europe, and just like in the 1930s most people will remain complacent and oblivious until it is too late. What the EU is doing to Europe now is exactly what the Nazis tried to do in the 1930s—convert continental Europe and the UK into a single socialist entity, facilitated mostly by German hegemony.
Infiltration by immigration; if Hitler had thought of this he would have conquered the UK and won the war in short order. Then again, maybe not. Nationalism was very strong in 1930s Europe, and borders, passports, and visas were all VERY important. Until the formation of the EU and the free movement of people all over the continent it wasn't so easy for Germans to move to the UK. Now its very easy for anyone at all (including the worst of the worst) to move to the UK. All this is important for us to observe because we would be experiencing the same things if HIllary had won the presidency. Her own statements that she intended to open the borders and allow in more blood sucking illegal aliens and refugees corroborates Q's post about the 16 year plan to destroy America. The political shift would carry the votes needed to amend the Constitution, and the 1A and the 2A would both be gone. Both are critical. They (and Donald Trump) are the three things that stand in the way of the cabal completely taking over control of the USA the way it has Europe and Canada.
This why Merkel and company want the EU army so bad—to stamp out free speech and to oppress any who challenge the authority of the beast that now rule's Europe with an iron fist. Its the 21st century version of the Gestapo. People may call this hyperbole, but it isn't. The police in countries like the UK, Sweden, France, and Germany now do EXACTLY the same things to their citizens that the Gestapo did back in the day. We only know about Tommy Robinson because he's a very well known dude. How many other Tommy Robinsons have they imprisoned that we don't know about? And if you're wondering where they're going to get men to man this EU army, now you know why most of the hundreds of thousands of migrants who were brought into Europe by George Soros's NGOs during the past several years are young, single, fighting-age men. Look at the current makeup of the UK police for an idea of what the future will be like. A very large percentage of it are Muslims, and even the white officers who have leadership positions have to bow down to Islam because Sadiq Khan is their master. The shit they're now doing there to appease Islam is beyond ridiculous.
Q is right. None of this is coincidence. Its destruction by design—the second phase of the NWO. Don't be surprised to hear that Tommy had an accident or was assaulted and died while in prison. I just get the feeling that this is what they plan for him. If you live in the UK you now know what will happen to you if you dare to say ANYTHING that is even remotely critical of Islam—even if the children who were raped are your own. But any nation/culture/race…whatever that turns its back on its own children is doomed to extinction. That is just a fact of nature. This is a bad omen for all white people in the UK. Even wild animals instinctively protect their young.
Gatestone consistently hits the nail on the head every single time when it comes to exposing the cabal and their bullshit, and this is why they are now being attacked by the MSM. There is a troll that comes on here pretending to be an EU anon who attacks anyone who talks about any of the shit now going on in Europe and denying that any of it is true. Actually, the truth is much, much worse than we know. The collective European media is worse than CNN. They lie about most things and just don't report anything that doesn't support their agenda.
Planning a trip to the UK (or anywhere in Europe)? Then be VERY careful what you say in public or post on social media, or you too could get the Tommy Robinson special.