Tomorrow is the day of the Flower full moon!
Quote: "The Full Moon on Tuesday May 29, 2018 falls at 8 degrees Sagittarius. The Full Moon May 2018 astrology creates a very competitive environment for the next two weeks. The polarities of this full moon mean you can expect strong opposition if you enter a contest.
The May 2018 full moon straddles the most important natural axis in the heavens which is The Heart of the Scorpion opposite The Eye of the Bull. The Moon joins fixed star Antares, alpha Scorpii, and the Sun is with fixed star Aldebaran, alpha Tauri. The activation of the militant axis generally means the winner takes it all."
´´´NOTE: Scorpio is associated with Shamans, priests and guides. The Heart stands for love, affection and spirituality. The Eye of the Bull is.. well, it's the eye of Moloch in symbols, I'd say.´´´
Quote: "The effects of the May 29 Full Moon lasts for two weeks up to the June 13 New Moon."
Quote: "Each star gives an incredible amount of energy and activity. They also cause great ups and down in life, but after a fall they do give the tenacity and dogged determination to recover and reach the top again. ´´´Both stars are red colored Mars-type stars and are therefore a sign of war´´´. The activation of the star axis in the sky has important ramification for ´´´global politics´´´.
According to Dr. Eric Morse:
What does tend to show up when these two stars are both engaged on the horoscope is a conflict, either the starting date of the war, or the natal charts of the leaders, is that peace rarely ensues before the total and crushing defeat of one side or the other. And it is a war that escalates to huge proportions, even to a world scale."
Source: The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.83.