Still banned
Virtuous Greek idioms will get a ban from frivolous teannyshill gluttons
When the cia doesn't understand that lo res lesbians coupled with 'instant justice' pr0n is really lousy shadenfreude brainwashing , like electing the pedovore cocaine dealer homotus frumoposaurus
Pedo spam inelligable pres , must fetard trannyglutton
We can launch all the cia niggas cause they already dead on the inside @kim
Just wait till they they beat the trannylovin cocktail sauce out ofvwalrus josh for bringing the hivites
Pedo spam propaganda
Muhdickshill got stuck with a tranny and he bout to /b broke, so know broke trannyshills are really fucking annoying
Besides we have domestic Capitol questions to resolve from the bush era cocaine parties down the road and the craptastic cia coverup, cause tredeau is Harry's trannyshill
FEtard propaganda cia pedo spam
Try the volcano harry , it's like Scientology but you teh bomb
Pedo FEtard cia spam
FEtard trannyglutonshills
We should probably microchip the vineyard inmates after the Brandings
All this for a North Korean mcdonalds kys
Fava beans and rock salt won ancient wars to bring humans trigonometry so we could evolve a better situation , let's fire the trannyshills then the trannygluttons then the muhjoosshills (are the fetards)
Inertia (velocity * mass)
Theta angle
Ballistic math is soooooooo old
Figure out how to put a spin on a corpse idk
Cannon dues
Muh muh mah pokerface
PeLe demands harry ginger sacrificeīlauea
es ist wirklich schwer für diese Faggots, einen Haufen Scheiße auf Deutsch zu rutschen. wahrscheinlich Ursache der unechten homoerotischen Kultfaggotik, die sie begangen haben. oder andere Verderbtheit
Bring that ass back like a boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Never give a motherfuck
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Bring that ass back like a boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Bring that ass back like a boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Jaurez hardball edition
danke, diese kleine Schwuchtel braucht das Fett, damit wir seinen Homo erweitern können. Wir haben ihn mit einem Haufen Pferdeficker erwischt, die Zwergpornos für den Teufel machten, um Antisemiten zu beeindrucken. Überall ist Hufeisen und alles ist verdammt beschissen. Es gibt auch Erdnussbutter auf dem Autositz. Agnar braucht auch deine Hilfe. Danke 😊
@Phd level
Yasiin bey is a bad motherfucker
Like running around the wagons stabbing with a piece of flint to protect a tribe huh
Think about the torch harry
It has been carried too long
Never forgotten homotus