Anon has been taking care of momma 10 yrs now. Dementia and friends. She's 85 now.
We been in lockdown since before lockdown was cool. Covid didn't change much for us… we just kept doing what we had already been doing.
A health situation arose and she had to see a doc. Brother's wife is a doc. Went to see her.
Covid test even without symptoms present. No fever at all. Perfect sugar. Only the low BP. She tested negative for Covid and the Flu both. CT scan of the belly requested for suspected UTI. Declined the dye.
In the mean time blood work comes back showing critical anemia. 2/3 blood gone. Taken to ER. Diastolic 47.
End result. Transfusions ordered.
90% of donor blood currently is either from the infected or vaccinated.
Seems to me she in now "vaccinated via transfusion".
The other 10% of that blood supply…?
Don't expect it's for you when you need it. You just get the next bag on the shelf… and if you ask for for unvax'd blood…?
Best bet… don't need it.
What was once a life saving procedure… has become just another way to further the agenda!