Can’t say thanks enough baker!
And thank you to the night shift shiverin’ cold streamers holding the line for freedom!
Can’t say thanks enough baker!
And thank you to the night shift shiverin’ cold streamers holding the line for freedom!
I heard he likes steak dinners? Maybe buy his wife a car? You trying to take care of him right? Like make him happy? Because any kind of life threatening statements you were trying to make would be absolutely ignorant.
I was wondering what anon meant by ‘take care of him’? Did he want to try to compromise him for intel by dating his daughter? Or did he mean vote someone else in? So many ways that could go, surely he didn’t mean it violent? That’s all I was double checking, but you are a very useful triple checker, there sir.
we want the police to help us fight for freedom, period.
The real Cody’s of this world aren’t hiding bro.
But if I post a YT direct in a post (I only do it so I can scroll and listen) does that risk other anons being doxx’d? Or just the person sharing the YT?
Go coordinate your unhealthy prankcallraids on 4ch plz, we are trying to change the world for the better over here.
“Sources have evidence that leans to say the QANON board (insert board name here) was behind the orchestrated attack on the Ottawa phone lines, proving once again violent right wing protesters are just childish internet trolls hiding behind anonymity”
If Q posted right now, half the board would say it’s Biden and would assume Tripcode is compd.
The castle has to be locked.
Ight Baruch, I don’t know anything.
Mission for me at this point is keeping 60 yr old women from wearing Q merch and being called crazy/mental health for it.
Q didn’t like how pamphlet, Baruch, and penultimate we’re handling the back end of things, correct I was there.
I feel like it’s just a troll trying to trick me out of new information
That’s an old screen grab but you remind me of exactly what I thought Q was trying to say in this post, they can’t attack the source so they get humans to make mistakes and link the human to the info to paint the group as a whole in a negative light
I assume when Q comes back to Q’s private board, Q will post a Presidential sized proof to prove you (the anon) are not getting duped.
A you? I bet you feel special!
True story, I seen’t it
Live Free, fren.
So far the public media is still deception and lies. At the rate we are currently going, re activating the EBS will be mandatory.