Anonymous ID: dcf0dd Feb. 20, 2022, 9:09 a.m. No.15674602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4622 >>4703


So we have a Pirate with missing right hand parts and one blind eye on left with sword in left hand and oddly Killary like hair. Door to her left hand side (out). Greenish top with swirls (DNA?) talking about coming events out of China with new disease and collusion of Fraudci and Pharma warning… from a Chinese defector working with Guo, Bannon, Giuliani and extensions further?

Weird coincidence or coms?

Anonymous ID: dcf0dd Feb. 20, 2022, 9:28 a.m. No.15674741   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The left side are running blind and threatening the sword? Door out offer? Let us have the Killary Pirate to hang and you all step out the door.

They won't accept… even if we promised them the out? Once we have control they know the info is out on all of them and the PEOPLE will want them all hung… though most probably don't know it all like we do… and once we have control we could round them up anyway… unless they have a nuclear option? Would WE give up before they are all strung up? But would it matter.

At some point this stream would be shutdown to keep the peace for the deal?


I think they feel they can still win this war. No matter the damage. Rule over ashes from hell (below ground) while the radiation settles out with a depleted population? Nagasaki didn't take long to clean up.

They think in decades for planning. Trained us to think today.