As a reminder, it’s not the corrupt CDC and FDA. It’s not just Fauci and Gates. It’s EVERY F’ing person who coerced people to get the jab. Governors, Senators, Congressman, Dept heads, CEOs, managers, principals, doctors, nurses, msm figures/officials who lied to coerce, coaches, teachers, etc. every single one of them must be held to account and punished appropriately. And yes, if Trump coerced then him as well but just to be clear, we all know people that supported these jabs because they either were/are dumb af or were misled. Coercion has already been adjudicated, it’s a crime, officially since 1947. Justice must be served, nobody escapes this. NCSWIC
Anon knows nothing about “boomers”, don’t really care, but if so called Nuremberg 2.0 is going to be worth a shit it’s gotta punish them all the FDA pricks, big pharma, that psycho path Fauci and everyone below that level that did this.
WTF is wrong with you?