Starting to find out the history of the enemy, Prussia. Very interesting. Same caliber as Devolution series. Essentially, they goaded the the US/Allies and Russia into a war in order to destroy Germany and indenture nations while setting up a new chop shop through the Federal reserves and going dark by ending the actually nation of Prussia. They been lurking in control of everything without actual ownership of anything.
Patrick Gunnels from Reading Epic Threads reads them out.
He is becoming a central well to find some "more objective than yet as deep as Q" journalism and opinion commentary. He has some good insight himself, but through him and Patel Patriot, I am finding some much better quality big picture meta narrative.
Consider that the Horrible Invisible Enemy is not so invisible once their symbols are known. Symbols, when they are known, behave much like a language; invisible to those who can’t read. The symbolic garb worn by the enemy are perfect remnants of the markings presented by the mighty Hohenzollern dynasty.
Within Prussia they are the Iron Cross, the Iron Eagle, the Red Cross and “the thousand points of light” that some emblems have embedded behind them.
And so we learn that the monarchs, corporations and banks, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, the Nazis, communists, radical Islamo-fascists were all subsets of a much larger organization. They were all fingers attached to the invisible hand. Could the invisible hand be the hand of Prussia?
Clam before the Sturmabteling
Wifeanon just downloaded Truth Social.
Seems to be live. I don't have an iphone…