FOMO…join the wave…follow the crowd…typical sheep things.
Truth? I think you mean "ethically curated conservative Christian propoganda".
Get on the train, there will be showers at the camp, trust the plan.
Elections are controlled by whomever controls the software. You really think they plan on kicking out all their controlled politicians in Nov? The DemNaziRINO party is in full control.
Enjoy your honeypot. DHS will be with you shortly.
The writing is on the wall. The only "truth" getting exposed will serve the interests of TPTB to keep advance to goals written on the Georgia Guidestones. Trump is a puppet playing the Pied Piper. Go to war, fight for your slavery, be an idiot, enjoy.
Emergency Powers…think Trudeau. Suspension of Habeus Corpus, seizing bank accounts, unlimited detention without charges or trials. It's their plan to reimplement the 3rd Reich, globally. Just gotta have a trumped up emergency.
So, they started stealing elections in 2000 and now have absolute power, but TruthSocial is totally gonna stop them?
"Wonder where all the shills went?"
And just like that the people realied it wasn't Epstein, or muh Joos, or muh Masons, that were in control of this distopian nightmare. It was the very same Vatican backed Nazis, now partnered with the Chinese, who have been running the show for 100 years.
Swiss Banking Cartel leader, Klaus Schwab. Check your Swatch Watch, it's time for another genocide.
Time is money. "Follow the watch".
Sotrovimab, sold under the brand name Xevudy, is a human neutralizing monoclonal antibody with activity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, known as SARS-CoV-2.[6][7][8] It is under development by GlaxoSmithKline and Vir Biotechnology, Inc.[7][9] Sotrovimab is designed to attach to the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2.
Solar Winds CyberAttack?
The SolarWinds computer hack is one of the most sophisticated and large-scale cyber operations ever identified. The U.S. government has stated the operation is an intelligence gathering effort and has attributed it to an actor that is likely Russian in origin.
The operation has affected federal agencies, courts, numerous private sector companies, and state and local governments across the country.
It is an example of a digital supply chain attack, in which hackers insert malicious code into trusted third-party software, thus infecting potentially all of the hacked company’s customers.
The Dr never said she got wither one, just that "these tablets (Ivermectin) or these infusions (Monoclonal antibodies) might help. At least they slipped the "horse paste" into the video.