Such a fat-fingered brush you wield, anon
So you ignorantly paint ALL cops like a fucking retarded nigger?
Well its quite clear your still wet behind the ears
Don't let you'r ego lead you buy the leash, pup
Anon seconds that - I think this is why he painted Z's on the tanks
You'r wasting valuable time - go back to living "The American Dream" kiddo - get some experience and come back when you grow a pair
Not wasting my time with your personality - get a fucking clue
>Laws of the Land and not Laws of the Universe
Is this some sort of external DNS filtering? Its like parental controls
He's fame fag extraordinaire
Like fake fucker who wasn't with his team when they were shot down by children with flip flops on - TRAITORS
Get it?
There is a big difference between the teams and CIA/MOSSAD infiltratorsโฆ.
It looks like you have served with distinction, DD214 or it didn't happen