Anonymous ID: 765682 Feb. 21, 2022, 4:23 p.m. No.15686079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6218 >>6467 >>6586

NY Lt. Governor Tests Positive For Covid After Attending Maskless Democrat Convention with Hillary Clinton


Triple vaxxed New York Lt. Governor Brian Benjamin tested positive for Covid-19 on Sunday just two days after attending a maskless convention with Hillary Clinton.


“I tested positive for COVID today. Thankfully, I’m vaxxed, boosted, and in good spirits, since I’m only experiencing mild symptoms,” Benjamin said in a tweet.

Anonymous ID: 765682 Feb. 21, 2022, 5:17 p.m. No.15686501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6586

Candidate for AZ Secretary of State Mark Finchem Releases New Ad: “DONALD TRUMP WON. IT IS TIME TO DECERTIFY”


Arizona State Representative Mark Finchem shared a new video on Monday highlighting the need to decertify the irredeemably compromised 2020 election in Arizona.


Mark Finchem is the Trump-endorsed candidate for Arizona Secretary of State.


Recently, Rep. Finchem introduced a resolution to decertify three 2020 county elections in Arizona and reclaim the state’s fraudulently certified electors. RINO Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers, who will decide whether or not this bill is assigned and voted on, immediately opposed Finchem’s resolution.


Rep. Finchem has challenged Rusty Bowers’ legal scholars to a debate with his attorneys on the resolution’s constitutionality. The Arizona Legislature must pass this resolution to restore voter confidence.


In the epic new ad, Mark Finchem mentions the law violations that caused hundreds of thousands of ballot discrepancies in the 2020 election. He then presents a plan to fix 2020 and secure elections as Arizona’s next Secretary of State.


Finchem: When we strip away all of the various ways that cheating showed up in the 2020 election, when we consider both the criminality and the incompetence, the margin of error exceeds the margin of victory. Ladies and gentlemen, we know it, and they know it, Donald Trump won. It is time for us, the Arizona legislature, to move those counties which are irredeemably compromised into the ‘you’re decertified’ section. This is how the people can get justice. You deserve a Secretary of State who will put your interests first, who will diligently promote voter list clean up, watermarks on ballots, a verifiable audit trail, and to refer criminality to the Attorney General’s office when it’s found. Elections belong to the people; they don’t belong to the government.

Anonymous ID: 765682 Feb. 21, 2022, 5:18 p.m. No.15686512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6533 >>6563 >>6586

Idaho House Passes Bill Banning Ballot Harvesting


The Idaho House has passed a bill to combat ballot harvesting.


The bill, introduced by House Majority Leader Mike Moyle, will make it a felony to deliver more than 10 ballots to the post office from non-household members.


Delivering fewer than ten ballots for non-household members will be a misdemeanor.


Ballot harvesting involves collecting absentee ballots from other people and delivering them to the post office. There have been several scandals involving people being bribed to fill out their ballots and turn them over with gift cards or other perks.



“Mail-in ballot fraud is so pervasive in some parts of Texas that they have a local name for those who broker election victories: Politiqueros. Unlike in North Carolina, there are rarely consequences for ballot harvesters or the campaigns who hire them in the Lone Star State,” Forbes reported in 2020. “But ballot harvesters can get aggressive, they can cut corners, and they can guarantee votes for the politician or group that hired them by taking physical possession of ballots and voting in place of the legal voter. And in Texas, vote harvesting is illegal, at least to the extent where state law prohibits a voter’s absentee ballot being completed and mailed by someone other than a close relative.”


The Forbes report added, “The practice is more widespread and problematic than most people believe.”


Speaking on the House floor, Moyle said that his bill “tries to make it clear that we don’t like cheaters.”


“In Idaho voting should be easy, but in Idaho cheating should be hard,” he added.


“We are trying to prevent with this bill Idaho going down the road that other states have gone down,” Moyle said “Do we have a problem today? Maybe not. But let’s fix it before we do.”


President Donald Trump released a statement earlier this month about the Democrats using ballot harvesting in the 2020 election.

Anonymous ID: 765682 Feb. 21, 2022, 5:29 p.m. No.15686604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6609

The Jerilderie Letter Part Two: Australia’s Corrupt Prime Ministers by Shane Dowling


My third book The Jerilderie Letter Part Two: Australia’s Corrupt Prime Ministers will be published on the 28th of February 2022 and is available now at Amazon (Click here) and Booktopia (Click here). As other online bookshops add the book for sale, I will update this article with the links. The front cover and back cover are below. My first 2 books are on the book page