Anonymous ID: ecd7d2 Feb. 21, 2022, 4:15 p.m. No.15686011   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>15685258 (lb)


Germany has under 5% of under ground natgas reserves left. It was even on MSM nightly news in Germany, so there's no hiding it. Greens in Government now are aggressively anti-fossil fuel, to the point of even considering banning wood stoves. Nukes going offline, regardless. Done deal. No reversal possible. Wind and Solar and wear a few more sweaters. Former German Chancellor Schroeder is a suit at Gazprom. He must know every time a German policy maker farts. Putin is inside the German's OODA loop wrt energy.


Ukraine didn't want NS II going online. It's ready, but Potato is twisting arms, I think. NATO's Stoltenberg's mouth is talking shit to Putin that NATO's ass can't back up without US involvement. Stoltenberg told Putin he was going to get more NATO on his borders, not less. Poking the bear armed with just bear spray, looks to me.


Putin met with Macron and Scholz a day or so ago, but apparently ignored anything they were saying in the end. Germany/EU needs the Russian gas. Russia can sell it elsewhere. If Russia shuts down the pipeline through the Ukraine that corrupt figures where profiting off, Germany/EU is out of gas. Germany running out of gas will finish off the Greens and their Greta Thunberg energy policy. Can't see any other outcome. My take is Germany has to back Putin and leave NATO. No better time to take out NATO, as I see it from Putin's POV, than with an unrealistic and short-sighted energy policy in Germany and a Potato running things in DC.


That's the circle that Germany/EU has to square. I don't believe they can. Putin is holding all the cards.

Anonymous ID: ecd7d2 Feb. 21, 2022, 4:31 p.m. No.15686156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6187 >>6215


Putin mentioned Brandon and Kerry as bad actors in his statement, I think. That points to the new Iran deal, I think. My take is Brandon wanted that deal to go down with as little fanfare as possible, but Putin blew that plan up. Iran has Brandon by the short hairs, probably, and Putin will make that obvious.


Brandon was supposed to go to Delaware, where it's rumored he meets with the big players so he can circumvent visitor logs (like what Jan 5 wants from Trump). Don't know why Brandon reversed his plans a couple of times, but it could be a sign Putin has him on his back foot. I don't agree with this take by Sundance. I think the Brandon crew went to the well once to often with Putin and Russia. Putin was ready for it, and Trump will blast Brandon's ass stateside. Brandon had to fuck up what Trump had built up to get where we are now. The people seen't it happen. Things just ran under Trump.

Anonymous ID: ecd7d2 Feb. 21, 2022, 4:51 p.m. No.15686304   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A few months ago no one had heard of, or thought of Schwab a someone important. Schwab is front and center now, but I don't think it's of his own choosing.


You may be right about Putin having Schwab's back, and the Donbas declaration is a why to take attention from Trudeau and Canada. Was Zelensky involved with WEF? He's most likely going down.


Hard to say. Pictures are a snapshot thing. Trump gave a speech at WEF/Davos, too. Might be a see and be seen thing, not necessarily attendance equaling acceptance of policy. Remains to be seen.