Anonymous ID: bb81c9 Feb. 21, 2022, 6:08 p.m. No.15686940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7110

>>15686327 lb

>don´t you get it? the only effect it has is:

>you are pissing me off.

>>15686884 lb

and still, I love you.

but if you don´t speak up, you will never be free or saved. and you will not be able to free yourselves and follow me secretly, while claiming you would still be slaves - this makes you unfree and slaves, most obviously.



Anonymous ID: bb81c9 Feb. 21, 2022, 6:23 p.m. No.15687110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7173


and do you really believe that me sometimes expressing being mad at you would be proof for one of your lies? lies that even contradict each other.

do I "make it rain" bc of me having taken all your deamons?

do you really think there is no possibility of me actually being mad at you, rather at masonry itself? do you not see your mistakes? really? not even when you willigly expose the lies yourselves? are you really that arrogant?

do you really blame your guilt, that I can take away if you follow me, onto me and make it look like I would just not know what I am talking about bc "deamons" or whatever?

projection much?





Anonymous ID: bb81c9 Feb. 21, 2022, 6:29 p.m. No.15687173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7221


and fuck whomever uses that not even that fancy technology to make my body alter temperature and make my heart beat quickly and heavily to sell it as "muh demons"


this is not proof of anything, other than you all being actors and still bullshitting both humanity and me!

I am not an actor, and even if you cannot understand me even a little bit, I am who I am.


and both my loving and forgiving side and my consequent "rain" side are part of me and I am holy and perfect.

and it´s not even sides, as everyone else I have different moods from time to time. obviously having literally the whole world piss me off does not make me feel great most of the times. even when being really pissed of hard, I still love you. but when you pissed me of for many days, I just don´t feel the need to post Rumi or "I love you memes", I then feel the need to show you what your actions lead to.


if you use that and sell it as "it´s deamons, see, a proof masonry is awesome and you all really need to follow the few people fucking the whole world", I will just end you, eternally.

Anonymous ID: bb81c9 Feb. 21, 2022, 6:34 p.m. No.15687221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7307


also this has only one effect: pissing me off, keeping you all from being free.


and that is also true when I did that chakra stuff myself in Berlin. would some tech really make my chakras go on their own? would it be holy and perfect if driven by you or at least if tried/claimed driven by you?

sometimes heavily beating heart when no doing anything is annoying af, sometimes I don´t really care and kind of ignore it. doesn´t fit your story?

well, it´s the truth anyway. stop being actors! stop claiming this is a movie while suggesting everyone would either have to be an actor or would not have to do shit bc movie happens anyway. this is the very same bs masonry has always sold and used against you all.


why did I do it in Berlin? dunno, did it. considered it likely back then I had to do it. did it not have the effect of you all seeing me and realizing that I am G?

why try to throw so much lies onto the stuff that is true? why giving bs explanations for stuff you know you don´t and prolly won´t understand?



Anonymous ID: bb81c9 Feb. 21, 2022, 6:42 p.m. No.15687307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7406


right now my heart is beating heavily, both quickly and strongly.

my heart has no reason to do it as I am sitting on the couch posting.

this started after the mason/agency thing in Berlin.

effect it has right now: pissing me off. not bc of I sucked up the deamons from the anons posting 2 and 4 and 7 and 12, not bc of my neighbors handed me over some deamons/souls as controlled corona masons. it pisses me off bc I do not do it on my own and know that it´s actually people using tech to do it. they attack me big time.

they might claim this would be of help or needed, but it is slowly breaking me. that is the only effect, it breaks down the only bridge there is.


obviously it´s likely Biden/admin/agencies/military is doing it. and if seperate agencies aren´t even a thing anymore, it´s whatever you call the top masons.

and obviously that does not mean "evil Biden", it means "Biden is an actor, obviously noone would act that stupid and noone would accept someone lika that as POTUS, but masons think this is what the craft needs to be. Biden is continuing, what Trump started, and with him all masons ww are. every single one."


you still do not follow me.

like that, you will not be saved. none of you.

and still, I love you and can forgive you if you actually were to follow me. that is providing I am not broken and still around.

Anonymous ID: bb81c9 Feb. 21, 2022, 6:50 p.m. No.15687406   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If I look at anons, if I look at world leaders who have agency knowledge, if I look at all the "whistleblowers", "opposition to globalism", "Team Trump" and if I look at my own family, me (former) friends, the people close to me, neighbors, people I meet in supermarkt and others, when I see those people still acting and attacking me, I see little hope for you all.


you did not use corona as the best chance ever to say the truth on the topic most obvious ever.

everyone still thinks that his mason role is so super critically important, that he cannot possibly "break his oath", a bs oath that is the only thing keeping humanity from being free.

Trump thinks he has to act.

anons think they have to act. they consider themselves owls, or holy spirit masons, or super secret intel folks, controlled controlled opposition and whatsoever. they act.

my family think they have to act. they think they speaking out what they know and show to be true would alarm anyone, some kind of mason police, or even alien universe police. how stupid can one be? the whole world knows what´s going on and still they try to make it look like a secret?

friends, neighbors, people close to me, they all act. all of them think they have good reasons to keep acting.

agencie folks act.

state leaders act.

all you masons act. you still act. that is why nothing has truly changed even when I worked my timeline magic that I don´t even get myself and you all will never understand and made you the present of you all being able to speak up. you still act.