call to NM anons, confirm or deny - new mexico national guard now teaching in public schools due to teacher shortage
20,21,22,25, and 28 also read the same upside down.
corroborates story on RRN. just sayin'โฆ.
>Coming up on Infinity 8's
so that's why you're here? to play juvenile games? look at me i got a magic post number? anons make a DIY DDoS attack?
National Guard Terrorizes New Mexico School Children
scott peevers needs to start fearing for his life. every day, for the rest of his life.
>3G service goes dark tomorrow. Sauce: TV news just now.
saw on TV a couple days ago, different carriers have different phase-out dates. verizon 3G good 'til end of 2022.
3G CDMA Network Shut off date set for December 31, 2022
Check if your Verizon or AT&T phone will keep working after the networksโ 3G shutdowns
>Kek, pattern of playbook suggests these are RCMP shills getting to work already
>The RCMP won't survive this embarrassment.
what fucking malibu barbie dreamland hopeporn high are you on? people don't give a shit. not until THEY get trampled.
if you want change, a small group of committed fighter will have to do it the old fashioned way.
THAT'S fucking reality, pal.
>trudeau gov't moves to make expanded surveillance over financial transxns PERMANENT
GEEโฆ. that backfired in a way that all the hopium peddlers failed to foresee, dinit?
WTF would want any of those names, and why? all retarded.
i cannot tell a lieโฆ.