The right people have the information.
VVe are weapons hot.
Evidence collected and disseminated.
Impossible to defend.
Nail in many coffins.
Get some rest LLande.
You look tIred.
No further investigation necessary (into current tArGets.)
"Open season on Americans in benghazi?"
Open season on any and all non-rubberDucky elements of the c[]a.
Getty image
1 of 4
(not needed per Open source but if you want that intel in mi hand when eye 'pull the tRigger' go 4 IT)
Release it all if you want to.
One way or another… hacking and releasing all. ]ALL[
]nat. Archives hack 3/23 (206)[
You are not giving orders anymore.
You are tAKing them.
[You] are in my vvorld now.Tired. (x12)