The U.S. Pluto Return
Why Precession Matters
Many astrologers speak of the Pluto return of the United States as though it were just around the corner. The tropical position of Pluto for the various times used for the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 was 27° Capricorn 34’. According to contemporary tropical ephemerides, transiting Pluto will reach this position on February 22, 2022. That is straightforward and uncontestable until one notices that the orbital period for Pluto is 247.686 years.* In February 2022, Pluto will not have completed an entire orbit since July 1776, as indicated in a tropical ephemeris. In February 2022, only 245.64 years will have elapsed since July 1776.
The position of Pluto in terms of sidereal reckoning on July 4, 1776 was 5° Capricorn 57. According to sidereal ephemerides, transiting Pluto will reach this position on February 22, 2024. If one adds the portion of the elapsed year when the Declaration was adopted which is 1776.505 to 247.686, the result is 2024.191 which produces the February 2024 date. So what is happening here? The sidereal position corresponds to Pluto’s orbital period and its correct position in terms of sidereal reckoning, but the tropical position is correct for the tropical frame of reference.