2 days ahead of schedule?
2 days ahead of schedule?
>Can you FUCKING BELIEVE IT…RUSSIA is going to attack Ukraine
Not really, anon doesn't believe proven liars.
>I wonder what it is that [they] are so afraid of?
Their bull shit narratives being BTFO'd by anons & others who Question Everything.
>Warns Americans Of Coming "Pain" At Gas Pump
Because that's the REAL intention here, to make GAS/DESIEL MORE EXPENSIVE, you know just before the US convoy gets rolling.
Nothing to see here amiright?
>“By hacking organisms ELITES may gain the power to reengineer the future of life itself.”
AKA: How to genetically engineer a more passive slave
word, & lets not mention all those suspicious tankers/ oil production areas that have been destroyed over the last 11 months