>I know whatโs going on.
>Ask me anything.
>I will answer if I see your question.
>I know whatโs going on.
>Ask me anything.
>I will answer if I see your question.
>>15693633 (LB)
Hey! Stew! Do an interview with :Russell-Jay: Gould.
Enjoy the Show!
:Watch-View &: Follow-Thru IS with the Need-To-Know-Status. >>15693964
:Keks. :[You keep askin the sameQuestion.]
When you stop having fun you're doing it wrong.
:Paid-In-Full: It-Is-Finish[ed].
For those In-Christ ARE with the Law-IS-Fulfill[ed] &: So-Now: Love-God &: Live for the Good-Will of the Others.
:Those-[Under]-The-Law ARE [re]Quir[ed]-To-Keep-It-[ALL].
:5>6>7. +[2]