Now now youse guyz, don't be niggardly with notable censorship.
>like Q came up with the reasons those shit people are shit.
You were not paying attention, shittard. Stop being a fucking nigger and start learning history, like why the military hates john mccain, it's because he voted against getting PoWs from vietnam. Got that nigger? HRC promised to sacrifices a chicken (little boy) to her cult leader, wikileaks. Got that nigger? Now run along back home, darkie.
How niggardly
You love being broke by that nigger dick, don't you boy. That's why you don't want to see it again. That long nigger dick swinging as it gets close to ya. It's coming for buttblood. Don't be niggardly with your moving goalposts.
>in which he becomes a conspiracy theorist to 'prove' his delusions because history isn't a thing apparently
If Wikileaks lied, don't you think they would renounce it? Think about it.
Handle with care, as in grow thicker skin, not censorship because you think you are right. Jesus fucking christ you have got to be the stupidest mother fucker alive if you think this isn't the 30'th step down the line of making this site just like everywhere else on pozzed internet craptard. Q came here for a reason. Freedom. FUCK YOU, YOU STUPID NIGGER CUNT.
>no order at all and BO/BV should let us post whatever
That's what's known as drawing out a conclusion to ridiculous proprtions. You can tell because what actually happened was nowhere near the anarchy you suggest to counterbalance endless censorship and subversion and tyranny.
It starts with 'reasonable arguments', and ends with you compromised. You fucking nigger shitbox. Do you understand now, idiot?