Anonymous ID: 0b2e2c Feb. 22, 2022, 9:28 p.m. No.15697310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7320

night shifters

anon's folks are being forced into having new equipment installed on the outside of their house

some meter upgrade

anon thinks this is a 5G attack

and even if not, anon knows of instances where these "SMART meters" have caught on fire

so - it's a fire risk; anon will suggest that the code be updated such that these things require a metal box sufficient to contain a fire, and will recommend they build one once it's been installed

anon has had a power main burn up before, had it not been to code it would have been the house that burned down

don't want parents house to burn down

open to suggestions, and various timelines (i.e., things to do immediately versus working to change the fire codes which will understandably take longer)

preventing any equipment change is probably a best option, if they can be convinced that it's in their best interest i.e. maybe pay an extra $10 a month for someone to come out and check a meter once a month, give them incentive that's over-the-top and if they deny it then there's ulterior motives (which we already suspect; and, then there'd be evidence for our suspicions)

Anonymous ID: 0b2e2c Feb. 22, 2022, 9:32 p.m. No.15697336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7353


>How hard would it be in that area to have the meter installed on a small pole separated from the wall?

good question

they want to be able to "read it from the street" i.e. have a van drive by with wireless

more likely means they're making some sort of mesh network, based on the signal strengths/power requirements anon has read about

also if any 5G components, anon wants them in a faraday cage as well as a fireproof cage