James Baker & GHWB promised in 1990 to Gorbachev that the USA would NOT expand NATO east after Germany was reunited. It's been lies and manipulation ever since.
Oh, and a whole lot of milking of unguarded cows since then, a la Burisma.
James Baker & GHWB promised in 1990 to Gorbachev that the USA would NOT expand NATO east after Germany was reunited. It's been lies and manipulation ever since.
Oh, and a whole lot of milking of unguarded cows since then, a la Burisma.
Still in the boiler room.
When you only allow 3 and under yr old trucks to the party, you're going to give yourself constrictions at three west coast states.
Imagine that, because "Green*"!
*Watermelon = green outside, RED inside.
He offered himself as bait.
IF it trades over 600K sh/day, it's algo driven. HFT et alia.
Bait for ongoing RICO. No SOL.