Anonymous ID: 5a2416 Feb. 22, 2022, 11:43 p.m. No.15697913   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I pray that he find his way home, fren. I will pray for solace for you as well. This may sound absurd but my estranged brother and my best friend, who had passed without my knowledge, appeared in a recent dream of mine. If you know what lucid dreaming is, the moment I recognized his face I became absolutely "lucid" or awake within my dream. He was seated across from me at a large round table at a bar restaurant in Pamplona, Spain, and was grinning at me just WAITING for me to "wake up". The moment I did, we both stood up, knocking our chairs over as we ran to hug each other. I kept saying, through my dream tears and sobs "I'm so sorry…I'm so sorry"…He kept saying "I know…I know…It's okay"…


When I woke for real that morning, I knew for a FACT that he sought me out and found me dreaming and woke me lucid. He did this because we were both denied closure. That "dream" encounter was every bit as real as any moment we spent together while he was "alive".


I tell you this story because I know for a fact that lucid dreaming and astral projection allows ANYONE who spends a month of practicing, the ability to "pierce the veil" between this earthly plane and the next. And it would not be impossible for YOU to meet up with your son.


I also learned later, through a woman who was further along in discovering her latent paranormal or p.s.i. gifts, that there are some who pass chose not to ascend to the next plane for any number of reasons. The number one reason is having an overriding attachment to love ones still alive. A second reason is an overwhelming fear of being judged for acts or omissions while alive. This woman, who remotely visits with me like Tesla's friends did with him, tells me that she frequently encounters "lost" or "wayward" souls who just need a bit of prodding to "follow the others". She believes that she has gotten quite adept at helping those souls.


Read or watch William Buhlman write and talk about lucid dreaming. Buhlman is scornful of those who treat LDing as "the kewlest video game ever" because there is so much potential for spiritual growth, contacting those who have passed, visiting alien civilizations, etc.


FWIW fren, just check Buhlman out. Your son has already tried contacting you so you are halfway there already. You just need to comfort him, pat him on the backside and tell him to follow the others, walk into the light or whatever. For some reason he still feels like he is "alive" and just needs to be told he isn't. He should be asking for help from his Spirit Guide(s) or demanding to be one with his "higher self".


Take a leap of faith and look into lucid dreaming and astral projection. The big lie about those two is thst only "gifted" folks can do them when, in fact, we can ALL incorporate them into our daily lives.


Good luck anon and again, I'll pray for both of you.