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Liz Harrington
Outside The Beltway with John Fredericks Part 2 - Real America's Voice News
Real America's Voice News is your one stop news and entertainment network.
2:22 AM · Feb 23, 2022
Outside The Beltway with John Fredericks Part 2
(11:59 mins)
Australian government is still imprisoning Australians, NO international flights without Government approval
International travel
Main content
From 21 February 2022, all visa holders who are fully vaccinated for international travel purposes can travel to Australia without a travel exemption. Unvaccinated visa holders will still need a valid travel exemption to enter Australia.
The International Safe Travel Zone arrangements for Singapore, Japan, the Republic of Korea and New Zealand have ceased.
Vaccinated Australians and permanent residents
Australian citizens and permanent residents aged 12 and over who are fully vaccinated with an approved or recognised COVID-19 vaccine can leave Australia without needing an outwards travel exemption and may be eligible for reduced quarantine requirements when returning to Australia. All children aged under 12 years and 3 months count as fully vaccinated for travel purposes.
Australian citizens and permanent residents who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons are also treated as vaccinated for the purposes of their travel.
For more information, including on travelling with children aged under 18, see our frequently asked questions on international travel.
Digital Passenger Declaration (DPD)
All passengers arriving by air into Australia should complete the Digital Passenger Declaration, unless they are flight crew. You can start a DPD seven days before your flight to Australia, but you can only submit a DPD within 72 hours before your departure. This is because you must provide your health information and declaration within 72 hours before your flight. The DPD requests details that are considered critical health information. Passengers must provide evidence that the critical health information was completed before boarding the aircraft. This is an enforceable requirement. A person who fails to comply with the requirement may be liable to a civil penalty (fine) of 30 penalty units (currently $6,660 AUD). This is set out in section 46 of the Biosecurity Act 2015. Passengers who do not make the declaration before they board their flight may be delayed when arriving in Australia.
See the Department of Home Affairs website for more information on coming to Australia and the DPD.
Okay, yes, join me up
Last Updated
Monday, 21/02/2022
This page has information for Australians and permanent residents in Australia who want to go overseas. Read on to find information about:
Overseas travel restrictions
Things to consider before planning to travel
Australian Overseas travel restrictions
There are still restrictions on overseas travel from Australia. The emergency measures under the Biosecurity Act limit who can and can’t leave the country.
If you’re an Australian citizen or permanent resident, you can’t leave Australia unless
you’re fully vaccinated, or unable to be vaccinated due to age or medical exemption or
you get an exemption to travel.
Vaccination and leaving Australia
If you’re fully vaccinated, you can travel overseas without an exemption. You’ll need to provide evidence of your vaccination status when you check-in at the airport.
You’ll be treated the same as a vaccinated person for the purpose of border arrangements if you
are 11 years old or under
can’t be vaccinated for medical reasons
You’ll need to provide evidence showing you’re unable to receive a COVID-19 vaccination because of a medical condition.
Conditions NOT considered to be a contraindication for COVID-19 vaccination and NOT accepted for the purpose of a medical exemption to vaccination for travel to Australia:
Chronic symptoms following COVID-19 ("Long COVID”).
Previous infection with COVID-19 (confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection).
People who have received non TGA approved or recognised vaccines should not be certified in this category and cannot be treated as vaccinated for the purposes of their travel.
Note that a previous infection with COVID-19 is not a contraindication to vaccination ATAGI advice on the definition of fully vaccinated.
Penalties apply for providing false and misleading information to a Government official when entering Australia. For more information, please see COVID-19 and the border Digital Passenger Declaration.
Travel restrictions and exemptions for unvaccinated Australians and permanent residents
Unvaccinated Australian citizens and permanent residents wishing to travel overseas (apart from children under 12 and those who cannot be vaccinated for acceptable medical reasons) are required to apply for an exemption to leave Australia. You can apply online for an exemption but you must meet at least one of the following criteria:
your travel is as part of the response to the COVID-19 outbreak, including the provision of aid
your travel is for your business/employer
you are travelling to receive urgent medical treatment that is not available in Australia
you are travelling outside Australia for a compelling reason for three months or longer
you are travelling on compelling or compassionate grounds
your travel is in the national interest
you are ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia.
You must provide evidence to support your claims. Requests may be finalised without further consideration if insufficient evidence is provided. Evidence may include:
marriage certificate/s
birth certificate/s
death certificate/s
proof of relationship (for example, shared tenancy agreement, joint bank account etc.)*
proof that you are moving to another country on a long term basis such as leases, job offers and evidence your goods are being transported
proof of your current valid visa, including in Australia and/or overseas
letter from a doctor or hospital about any medical treatment/condition with statements on why travel is necessary
letter from your employer, or other evidence that you are travelling for a business reason
statement or evidence to show when you wish to return to Australia
any other proof you may have to support your claims.
*For information about providing proof of your relationship refer to Evidence of relationship.
How so?
>>15693841, >>15693896, >>15693908, >>15693914, >>15693924, >>15693947, >>15693985, >>15693989 FAKE NEWS Reporter Stew Peters, Claims App Censored Anti-Vaccine Content pfft