I heard it the same way trump did, that US sending AAV's in to Ukraine
I hope Russia kicks their ass to the moon
>without brutalizing civilians
anons you need to get on halfchan when there are happenings
who knows maybe she said it wrong
how so?
>there are BIG explosions in Kiev right now
> I dont know where they are, I cant see where they are from this vantage point right here, oo I tell you what I just heard a big bang right behind me
so quiet you could hear a mouse, but there are bombs I swear
I want to believe.
they're fighting off another communist revolution i.e. the jews are next door, they stole everything that wasn't nailed down and they want Russia back
post screenshots faggot
you did record right? Tell me you're not an absolute faggot.
what percentage of NWOfags are jews?
you still have those?
then why doesnt he introduce it now?
everyone likes putin, they hate the faggots who locked them in their houses for 2 years
dasting, I would've thought less based on billionaire kike/notkike ratios
Are the identities of any of the top jews known?
Where do the Rothschilds place?
looks like hobos made a fire and someone tripped their car alarm