Anonymous ID: a4845c Feb. 24, 2022, 6:21 a.m. No.15709338   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Free Speech for Satanism? | Opinion

All but the most libertarian of thinkers, however, agree that there are legitimate legal limits to expression. Some things are so objectionable—even downright evil—that they don't merit society's protection.

The Court still uses this test today, affirming that limits to free expression are a matter of preventing "substantive evils." And there should be at least one "substantive evil" Americans can all agree to prevent: worshiping Satan.

[Sidebar: Satanic worship doesn’t all come under the name of Satanism.]

There are a variety of different Satanist groups. Some of them are merely atheists hoping to offend Christians with juvenile stunts like placing a Baphomet statue next to the Nativity scene. But others take a much darker path.

The Satanic Temple has recently begun a lawfare campaign to promote abortion, arguing that abortion is not merely a women's right or a privacy issue, but a religious ritual for Satanists and must be protected on First Amendment grounds.

A "Satanic Abortion Ritual" surely meets the definition of imminent and substantive evil. It's demonic—literally.

Satan worship is not what the Founders had in mind when they extolled the "fruits of liberty." There is no perceivable public benefit to protecting it. True freedom is the pursuit of the good, the virtuous and the beautiful.

Conservatives have for too long sat on the sidelines and allowed libertarian arguments to color our perception of the world.

No longer.

We can and should use the law to shut down Satanism.

What's next, Charlie? Where do you draw the line? We draw the line at Satan. He is real, and he is the personification of evil.

God or Satan. To quote the old union song, which side are you on?

2h ago


Does Satan exist?

Does the 'thought' of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

Many in our govt worship Satan.