"De-nazification" of Ukraine would def mean destroying bio labs in that nation…
Anon found quite a bit, searching Ukrainian websites through google translate of "US bioweapons laboratories in Ukraine" which translates to "Лабораторії біологічної зброї США в Україні"
One result of that search was; "The Nazi Origins of US Biolaboratories"
Archived at; https://web.archive.org/web/20220224150045/https://www.stalkerzone.org/the-nazi-origins-of-us-biolaboratories/
Article states; "Thus, none other than the Americans became the sponsors of the Nazi bacteriological warfare. They received almost all Nazi documentation in the field of biological weapons, as well as patents for German inventions. This happened after the surrender of Germany and became the basis for the launch of the American bacteriological program. Its continuation can be observed today in the form of US bio-laboratories. These laboratories scattered around the world are a direct continuation of Nazi projects."
De-Nazification of Ukraine is destroying US bio labs.