>Safe to say we're in the "[SCARE] NECESSARY EVENT" phase.
Well I am concerned. Look what's happening:
Massive organized crowds in Ottawa
Convoy landing in DC
Durham dropping bombs
Hunter Biden grand jury
Putin about to expose deep state in Ukraine and all of the administrations back door dirty deals (all those sons on boards of directors, 10% for the Big Guy)
Financial markets in turmoil
Ghislaine Maxwell
Out of control inflation
Out of control borders
Afghanistan debacle
Taiwan debacle (to be announced)
2020 election fraud not going away
Pissed off citizens (worldwide) because of pols corruption causing high prices/shortages
Fill in remaining blanks.
The domino's are in place, trembling. We know the cabal will stop at nothing to keep power and that a blood sacrifice of millions of people will be a great tribute to satan. Not to mention the number of children that could be harvested in all the chaos.
The cabal might not have any other options but to go all in.
"Here we go boys! All out, toe to toe nucular combat with the Russki's".
Might be past time to provision the bunker.