Anonymous ID: 57f5f3 May 28, 2018, 6:09 p.m. No.1571395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1513 >>1538 >>1539 >>1624

Congressman says he’s an alcoholic, quits re-election race


Virginia Congressman Thomas Garrett is dropping out of his re-election race to cope with alcoholism, it was reported Monday.


The member of the Freedom Caucus said that he is abandoning his run to focus on his recovery and family, according to The Washington Post.


“Any person — Republican, Democrat or independent — who has known me for any period of time and has any integrity knows two things: I am a good man and I’m an alcoholic,” Garrett said on Monday.


“This is the hardest statement that I have ever publicly made by far. It’s also the truth.”


Garrett — who faced a tough re-election battle against Democratic challenger Leslie Cockburn — made his staff fetch groceries and clothes while others drove his daughters around and picked up dog poop, Politico reported last week.


In a video statement about the staff chores, Garrett said: “The recent attacks on my family and myself were a series of half truths and full lies.”


Garrett becomes the 44th Republican to retire or announce they will not seek re-election this year, according to CNN.



Anonymous ID: 57f5f3 May 28, 2018, 6:24 p.m. No.1571529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1549 >>1685

Trump campaign vet: Informant used me to get to Papadopoulos


Sam Clovis, a former national co-chairman of the Trump campaign, is one of three Trump figures known to have been contacted by FBI informant Stefan Halper during the 2016 presidential campaign. Clovis received an email, out of the blue, from Halper, whom he did not know, on August 29, 2016 – after Halper had been in touch with Carter Page and just before he contacted George Papadopoulos.


Page and Papadopoulos were peripheral, sometime, volunteer Trump foreign policy advisers, but they are key figures in the investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to rig the 2016 election. Clovis, who is not suspected of any wrongdoing, has testified and been interviewed for a total of 19 hours, by his own count, before special counsel Robert Mueller's investigators, before Mueller's grand jury, and before the House and Senate intelligence committees.


During all that testifying, Clovis never knew about Halper's connection to the FBI. Only recently, from news reports, has Clovis learned about Halper's true role. And that has prompted Clovis to re-play his brief and seemingly inconsequential encounter with Halper in light of a wealth of new information.


It began with that August 29, 2016 email. Here is the complete text image above:


Halper's note to Clovis – they worked out logistics and met at Clovis' hotel, the Doubletree Inn in Crystal City, Virginia, a couple of days later – was premised on his approach to Page. And it seemed of a piece with Halper's approach, the very next day, to Papadopoulos. But the actual content of their meeting has left Clovis wondering what Halper was up to.


He wasn't wondering at the time – Clovis thought the meeting was so inconsequential that he did not report it up the chain at the Trump campaign, as he would have done if he had met someone who might be important to the campaign or who might be seeking a job. Only now, after reports that Halper was an informant for the FBI, has Clovis mentally gone back over their meeting in an attempt to figure things out.


Halper mentioned only briefly, and in passing, that he had met with Page, Clovis recalled when we discussed the meeting recently. Instead, Halper stressed his academic research, mostly about China and trade.


"It was about China," Clovis said. "It had nothing to do with emails. No mention of Russia. No mention of Hillary Clinton. No mention of her campaign. Only a mention in passing that he had met with Carter Page. Other than that, it was a discussion of his research and what he thought about China."


"It was like two guys sitting in the faculty lounge talking," Clovis continued. "It was so innocuous I never reported it back to headquarters. It did not raise any antennas or red flags or something we needed to be on guard against."


I asked if Halper volunteered to work for the campaign, or asked to be part of it. "No, not at all," Clovis said. But: "He said he was willing to share the research if it would be useful to our foreign policy effort."


That soft offer to help was apparently consistent with what Halper did earlier with Page. It is always hard to discern the exact meaning of Page's statements, but Page has tweeted a line from an email he says he sent to the campaign on July 16, 2016 regarding Halper. Halper – Page referred to him as the professor – "offered a range of possibilities regarding how he and the University might be able to help," Page wrote.


Halper's behavior with Papadopoulos appears to have been quite different. Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller has reported that, "Sources familiar with Papadopoulos's version of their meetings said Halper randomly asked Papadopoulos whether he knew about Democratic National Committee emails that had been hacked and leaked by Russians."


Ross continued: "Papadopoulos strongly denied the allegation, sources familiar with his version of the exchange have told TheDCNF. Halper grew agitated and pressed Papadopoulos on the topic. Papadopoulos believes that Halper was recording him during some of their interactions, sources said."


That account could not be more different from Clovis's experience with Halper. So much so that Clovis believes Halper had very specific purposes in approaching the Trump figures he approached.


"This is just my speculation – I have no knowledge," Clovis told me. "I think [Halper] was using his meeting with me to give him bona fides to talk to George Papadopoulos. He used Carter Page to get to me and he used me to get to George. George was the target. I think George was the target all along."



Anonymous ID: 57f5f3 May 28, 2018, 6:29 p.m. No.1571584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1624

Fox News contributor claims Hillary Clinton 'gave' Russians money during 2016 campaign


Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich claimed Monday that Hillary Clinton "gave" money to Russians during the 2016 presidential election.


“We have seen the result of all of this boomerang on the other side, on the Clinton campaign, which was more directly connected to the Russians than we’ve seen any evidence of with the Trump campaign," Pavlich said Monday.


The Fox contributor and longtime Trump defender was commenting on the dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, who she says worked with the Russians to compile the documents filled "with salacious information about President Trump.”


The remarks caused former Clinton communications director Adrienne Elrod, who was also a guest during the segment, to burst out laughing.


“They gave them money,” Pavlich exclaimed.


“I don’t even know where to start here,” Elrod said. “The Clinton campaign did not have any collusion with Russia, let’s just put that forward.”


“They paid someone working with Russians money for opposition research on Donald Trump,” Pavlich cut in.


"It was a dossier, it was opposition research, it was a very standard part of the campaign," Elrod responded.


The heated exchanged ended with Fox News host Heather Childers noting the length of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into possible collusion between Russians and the Trump campaign.



Anonymous ID: 57f5f3 May 28, 2018, 6:37 p.m. No.1571648   🗄️.is 🔗kun

James Clapper: Michael Flynn joined Trump team out of spite after being fired by Obama


Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said in an interview this week that fired White House national security adviser Michael Flynn "latched onto" Donald Trump during the 2016 election out of frustration with the way he was treated by Democratic President Barack Obama.


Flynn was forced to retire as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014 after facing pressure to leave from Clapper and other top Obama administration officials, with whom he had repeatedly clashed throughout his tenure.


"I think it ate at him that he was terminated and retired early, and I think he became an angry man," Clapper told Axios in an interview published Monday.


"[Flynn] was trying to reach out to several Republican candidates and latched onto Trump – and the rest was history," Clapper added.


Flynn, who served as a national security adviser to the Trump campaign before joining the White House, was fired last February for misleading Vice President Mike Pence about his conversations with Russian officials.


He pleaded guilty last December to a charge of lying to the FBI, and remains a main focus of the special counsel investigation into Russian election meddling and possible collusion.


Flynn was reportedly seen as such a problematic figure by Obama that the outgoing president warned Trump two days after his election victory about tapping the retired three-star Army general to join his administration.

