Anonymous ID: ca844b May 28, 2018, 6:23 p.m. No.1571515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1717




The Glory of God is Man Truly Alive


To truly honor the sacrifice of every fallen soldier we must recognize what true freedom really is and how true freedom displays itself in the everyday lives of each and every one of us through our actions, our non-actions and our attitudes.


Unfortunately too many Americans have resigned their freedoms, choosing to camp out in places of resignation and apathy. Some are drifting through life without an inner compass to give them direction, lazily relying on other people to dictate what is truth.

And, there are those who ignore their God given passion, simply allowing the opinions of others to shape their beliefs.


Most Americans are aware of the incredible & historical news concerning the very near possibility of a free North Korea. How would you explain this thing called freedom to those millions of people who've never experienced it? What does freedom look like? What does freedom feel like? What does freedom act like? What does freedom do? Why is freedom so important? How do we obtain freedom?


Just as our lungs are made to breathe oxygen, our souls are designed to flourish in an atmosphere rich in love, security, significance and purpose. Similar to what life-giving oxygen does for our bodies, life-giving Freedom does for our souls. Freedom is what makes us truly alive!


To possess freedom, one must also continually seek wisdom & knowledge. Without wisdom & knowledge, freedom can be dangerous & deceptive.


Freedom is a powerful life force that can literally transform us into valiant warriors!


Freedom risks the disapproval of many to speak up for what is right, noble, true & just.


Freedom is doing what you love with full abandon. It's essential to who we are as human beings, to be able to live out our freedom in ways that brings joy-Even simple acts such as puttering in the garden.


Freedom is living in a state of purposeful gratefulness.


Freedom seizes upon the boundless opportunities afforded to all of us.


Freedom celebrates & cherishes all of life's moments… good & bad.


Freedom loves people, forgives people, helps people, invests in people.


Freedom dares to dream & confidently follows those dreams.


Freedom is fearless when it comes to speaking out against lies & injustice.


Freedom is a fierce defender of justice.


Discounting freedom is a grave injustice to our fallen heroes who believed freedom to be so noble as to leave behind their dreams, their families, their homes, their opportunities, their joys, & their comfort. It's our responsibility to cherish, protect, celebrate, defend & take delight in such a glorious & honorable gift ~ Freedom!


To every freedom loving, valiant patriot….Living Fully Alive Honors Our Fallen Heroes!