Anonymous ID: d59073 May 28, 2018, 5:39 p.m. No.1571105   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This board has more influence than you will ever know.

The chans have, since their inception, been where most of the content on the internet sources its origins. It was icanhazcheezburger before it was a thing. It was Instagram before Instagram, Twitter before tweets, Facebook before certain females proved they would post their tits to get attention. Even as these media have become the dominant way the normies interact with the internet, the real patrons of the internet find their way ever closer to these boards. Most of the memes in circulation have their home on the chans. Most of what the world talks about on the internet can ultimately be sourced to somewhere on the chans.


Just like when reporters would hang out in bars and clubs to find out what the stories were, or when they eavesdropped on CB like a privately funded Echelon program, the media and anyone with an ear to the ground make their way here. Unlike CB, though, we can see what channels are popular for passive listening.

Anonymous ID: d59073 May 28, 2018, 5:49 p.m. No.1571184   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Follow the wives.


Women have held a form of political power throughout history that men simply can't. Some warlord or effective knight marries the third daughter of a king to incorporate his territory into the kingdom. His descendants become court knights of the realm or district sheriffs.


The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Anonymous ID: d59073 May 28, 2018, 6:01 p.m. No.1571305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1586


I think this rabbit hole goes deeper than that.

I think the more important question is simply what you believe and know within your heart to be the spirit of God.

Names, titles, labels, and institutions have a way of obscuring and confounding what we are really talking about.


Do we all worship the same God by another name… Or… I should say, have we come to understand the same divine will behind the force which brought our world into being? And, if so - or among those most common and important traits… Do we hold those to be the God against which all claims are tested?


As such, we must then ask ourselves… If the gods of many old traditions were entities not of divinity, but of technology that was later recorded as such… And if our origin stories are, perhaps, more akin to the drama of a space opera.


How strong are anons' faith, I wonder. Do they discuss allegiance to God as an intimate understanding of the very concept of divinity, or is it an allegiance to an institution or a banner? Could 'we' learn that good was evil and still understand that evil is evil? Or do we still rely upon the dictim from a pulpit or prophet to assess the morals and ethics of a situation?