Anonymous ID: db3c17 May 28, 2018, 5:45 p.m. No.1571154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1305 >>1318 >>1471


I agree. This needs discussion. At some point, those sinister occultists that are NOT genetically Semitic, AND, do not worship monotheistically The God of Abraham & Moses, but wrongfully call themselves Jewish, will be (by their own misdeeds) required to explicitly declare their rejection of Zionism AND the occult worship practices. This society WILL NOT suffer the, "Freedom of Religion," argument by this group of people, once the deeds and schemes of the Elites in the group are publicized. America WILL NOT accept leaders or a group or class Elites running the gov or business when they discover that many in this group have only hi-jacked the Jewish identity, and worship one or multiple malevolent, "gods." TRUE Jews, Christians and Muslims will begin to find themselves allying with each other, in their worship of the same God of Abraham, while learning that the wealthy, politically elite class (of multiple DECLARED religions) actually have seeked to create a one-world order, ruling ALL the People of the world, in the name of their false god. And, people like the Bush Clan, or the Clintons who have feigned Christianity, will also be required to publicly declare who they worship. Their worship of Ba'al, Moloch, Saturn, Lucifer, Lilith, or whomever they secretly worship, will be exposed. The American People will find this unacceptable...even many liberals. THIS is what will bring down the Cabal...when their evil worship and deeds are finally broadly exposed.


So, back to my original point; "Jews," especially, will be required to renounce occultism and the practices of the "elite," Jews who will soon be exposed. If these true Jews choose to stand by their Lucifer-worshipping, "kin," then they will suffer the same backlash from society. It is time, NOW, for true Jews to renounce Zionism and Occultism (of any form), declare that they worship ONLY the God of Abraham (like they want the world to believe), and declare their loyalty to the United States of America and all of her People...just like all of us Patriots have done here for so long.

Anonymous ID: db3c17 May 28, 2018, 6:09 p.m. No.1571385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1521


Boorda (a true, "Seaman to Admiral," leader) was reportedly "outed" by a member of the press for a VERY minor discrepancy in the medals he wore on his uniform. The story is that he was so dishonored that he took his own life. Those of us who met this man, know what a great leader and Patriot he was. This was an assassination. Period.


Also, interestingly (but not surprisingly), Kenneth Starr is a member of the Bohemian Grove Club. Shocker, right? He diddles children and worships Lucifer with the rest of their sewage-dwelling ilk.

Anonymous ID: db3c17 May 28, 2018, 6:29 p.m. No.1571586   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I understand everything you are saying, Anon. Personally, I am agnostic. I don't believe or disbelieve. Nor am I searching. Therefore, my personal, "moral code," is this; every person has the inherent right to happiness. And so long as their idea or pursuit of happiness does not cause another person to suffer or be unhappy, then the right shall not be infringed. Now, those people, whose own idea of happiness, REQUIRES the suffering of any other person or impedes the happiness of another, do NOT have the right to that version of happiness. In my humble opinion, that is MY definition of evil. I apply that simple philosophy to my moral code and I feel it has worked well for me. For MANY people, their happiness is derived from wealth and power. And because those things are RARELY achieved without causing someone else to suffer and not be happy, then those people are, by my definition, evil.