The Pope expects you to get vaccinated and follow your Jesuit trained doctor's orders to a T like a good little sheep.
Great Reset HQ. Ukrainian nukes and bioweapons labs. Start a war, kill a bunch of people, blame Russia, turn USA over to China.
IDK the Supreme Court doesn't respect the 1st Amendment anymore regarding Religion. Don't choose a particular religion or church. Just state your deeply held religious beliefs against Western Medicine and hold fast?
SAC doesn't exist. USSTRATCOM is in Omaha.
No worries. Macdill is USCENTCOM and USSOCOM, along with COMUSMARCENT and probably a bunch of other important shit.
Didn't know that, anon is way OOTL. Lincoln was a Navy base IIRC, back during WWII.
I didn't realize he is retired and free to speak openly against the Nazi-NWO aligned brotherhood in the Church. Big time division in the church.
Knew an old guy who was stationed there as a SeaBee long long time ago, didn't know the whole story. Never made it there myself…thankfully…brrrr.
I'll bet it's kinda great for Trump to be watching this shitshow land in Bidan's lap from the sidelines. The FAKENEWS can't blame Bidan, but you can bet they'd be screaming for Trump's head if he were in office right now.
Yahweh was an Iron Age god of war. Don't pay attention to that douchebag.
What kind of oppressive society expects men to shave their faces every day? Seems like a society full of slaves.