Now for the important info, what's her sister look like?
Babushka to the rescue!
Not much of a crowd
I tried, I did, but the Rectal/Cranial Conjunction in so many are just impenetrable
I have decided to conserve my energy, drink beer, and hang with anons until the time comes to begin 'ATODASO"
You're just jealous
Anybody fill Obungo in on what's been happening in Canada?
Soviets had been in Afghanistan for years just like the US in Vietnam.
Putin got this. The lesson to be learned is for NATO. Neglect your equipment and turn your military into a social experiment and when time comes you've got jack shit to resist. Europe let the US be the World's policeman for decades and the US pussified every branch. Ivan has the initiative and NATO has heart attacks waiting to happen loaded with diversity training.
I can tell your turn in the Thunderdome won't take long
Russian chicks are about keeping the babies. Russian dudes don't take shit
The rest of your rant does not apply to Russians, more like the crowd in the Hamptons
Do you have a red scarf?