Anonymous ID: 735ed1 Feb. 24, 2022, 6:57 p.m. No.15715636   🗄️.is 🔗kun

European Union to sanction 70% of the Russian banking market, announces visa restrictions and technology curbs for semiconductor, energy, and aerospace sectors.


kek, the fake news media blitz was a total and utter failure, worst fake 'war' ever, and here is the deep state's largest 'state' punishing the Russian PEOPLE with economic attacks.


This Anon witnessing the worldwide collapse of a dialectic projector cult network of information weaponization and destruction scam artists. The Great Deceivers. The Desecrators. The Swamp.


Mother Brain Super Metroid music…


Bwahm bwahm bwahm bwuhm

Bwahm bwahm bwahm bwuhm
