Never seen Melania in a blue flannel. Doesn't mean it's not her, just means it could be any anon that has one.
When that hit me, I suddenly realized just how big a heart the man has.
Well they are totally running with it from what anon's seen posted here. Not on TS, yet, so cannot verify for muhself. Content with waiting for their platform to be made available to phones that aren't complete garbage.
>why does everybody simply avoid the obvious elephant in the room and not simply realize that the @Q account on truth was assigned as taken before login commenced simply to keep a troll from stealing it
Because it doesn't have to be for just a single reason.
>All Men have big hearts, Anon.
Wish it were true, friend. I will tell you this, it's the ones with the big hearts that I allowed to be an influence on my life. In the absence of one father, I had dozens over the years.
Be happy for her, anon; lol.
CMZ is not Q, never posted as Q, and never will. Am I the only one that rereads drops? Besides, if Dan were to actually go outside in flannel, would anyone even realize it's him? Dude's always, always in a suit.
>A dark horse, but ya gotta spread the bets.
Wouldn't bet on that, but would definitely bet on "actress". She oversells it sometimes, and is actually pretty good on her feet making arguments that are ridiculously over-the-top. Known many a bartender, and most aren't stupid people.
Not by a long shot.
I see what you mean.
CMZ isn't good at simple math like Q. He's better at complex equations. Anon's certain it's Dan. Dan can count to 17. CMZ does horse stance and ponders sunsets.
Kat is a lovely gal, yes.
I almost choked from laughing. Why does nostalgia and irony work so good for humor?