Anonymous ID: 11ee5f Feb. 25, 2022, 1:52 a.m. No.15718043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8065


>It looks like it’s over..


>There are people saying Russia just took over Ukraine’s capitol


Just an anons opinion:

Seems like lots of people have been saying that the "cabal" have a foothold somewhere and they are not really sure how to get to them… What if it is in Ukraine? Wouldn't Putin be the only person who could go in there and sort that shit out? (Trump sorted the CIA's mess in Nth Korea).

We know:

Biden and dems have been very corrupt in Ukraine. Dems feeding into the corruption but it is systemic.

Bio weapon labs hit - to stop the next pandemic? One that targets specific races or people / hence the gene editing etc.

Putin says he is going after Nazis - possible code for cabal / dark hats.

Hunter has MORE incriminating evidence that the Russians / Putin has (So Biden isn't able to do much coz he knows his balls are in Putins hands).

WE know (((their))) playbook of projection and deflection (which this whole thing seems to be like to me) - everything going down shows (((their))) PANIC PANIC PANIC!

Putin has said that Biden is illegitimate president who only won the election through fraud.


What if this whole Ukraine thing is just a part of the movie???

Putin is clearing shop in Ukraine..

Israel last……?


Anonymous ID: 11ee5f Feb. 25, 2022, 2:02 a.m. No.15718074   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>they better hurry up. all the jews gonna be dead from the clotshot real soon.

I'll bet that Israel starts getting large amounts of AIDS very soon (vaccine induced)