President Trump btfo the Taliban so hard they're now calling for international peace.
President Trump btfo the Taliban so hard they're now calling for international peace.
Morning swordy, good to have you.
What show is this? Blacklist?
So the Deep State is losing control of their money-laundering and corruption hub Ukraine and were given narrative signals that something was going on with Chernobyl.
This is after the Deep State CIA-controlled Hollywood pumped out a "biggest show of the year" Chernobyl show in 2019 right before the final stage of The Plan kicked in when the Cabal unleashed a bio-weapon and locked the world down. They released the Chernobyl show in 2019 to remind the public of what it is almost like they were bringing it and the threat it could potentially cause back into the public's mind. Convenient everyone had time to watch it and all the Hollywood propaganda when 2020 happened and the Satanic pedophiles locked everyone in their homes.
This is why Putin said he was just following The Plan.
The Deep State were going to cause a nuclear event and Putin sent troops to stop them.
The fact it triggered a "how do you do fellow anons" shill into immediately responding tells me it's 100% over target.
I know you think the shillbux you're making will be worth it, but they won't buy a pack of ramen noodles when you're rotting in GITMO waiting for execution.