Anonymous ID: 32877d May 28, 2018, 7 p.m. No.1571818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2248

US torture program is greatest recruiting mechanism for our enemies - John Kiriakou


We like to believe, and we want other countries to believe, the US is a shining beacon for human rights, civil rights and civil liberties. It's simply not true, whistleblower John Kiriakou told RT’s On Contact host Chris Hedges.

Hedges discussed the CIA and torture with whistleblower and former CIA analyst and case officer John Kiriakou.


John Kiriakou is the first US government official to confirm in December of 2007 that the CIA was using torture. He was charged with disclosing classified information to journalists, convicted, sentenced and served 30 months in a high-security Federal Correctional Facility in Pennsylvania. John is currently involved in prison reform.


The decision to approve Trump nominee Gina Haspel as head of the Central Intelligence Agency raises serious questions about the rule of law. Haspel is alleged to have been the chief of a CIA black site in Thailand where torture occurred and involved with the destruction of videotapes that recorded some of the torture of Al-Qaeda suspects captured during the Bush administration.



https: //

Anonymous ID: 32877d May 28, 2018, 7:05 p.m. No.1571854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1903

'Idea that Saudis, who don't practice democracy, want democratic Iran is laughable'


Saudi Arabia and Israel don't want regime change in Iran, but would prefer to have an incompetent regime that mismanages the economy, and not allow it to truly live up to its full potential, author Trita Parsi told RT.

RT America's Ed Schultz discussed the latest developments on the Iranian deal with Trita Parsi, the author of 'Losing an Enemy: Obama, Iran, and the Triumph of Diplomacy' and President of the National Iranian-American Council.


RT: Secretary Mike Pompeo laid down a 12-point list of demands for Iran. Meanwhile, most of the American people aren't really sure about getting out of the Iran nuclear deal. How do you think the Iranian people feel about what's unfolding?


Trita Parsi: I think what they're seeing right now is an effort by the Trump administration to escalate matters towards war. And one of the things that will have an effect on them, first of all, new sanctions are going to make their lives miserable. Even when Obama was putting all of these very crippling sanctions on the Iranians, it didn't cripple Iranian nuclear program. But it made life for ordinary Iranians very bad, including a medicine shortage. Now they're going to go back to that. But perhaps even more. Because at least, Obama was using this as a pressure method in order to be able to get a deal. I don't think we can say that John Bolton's idea is to use pressure in order to get a deal. This guy doesn't strike deals, this guy starts wars.


READ MORE: https://

Anonymous ID: 32877d May 28, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.1571931   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ex-IMF head made Italy's interim PM amid rage over ‘unconstitutional’ blocking of Euroskeptic govt


Ex-IMF director Carlo Cottarelli’s appointment as Italy’s interim prime minister was spurred by President Mattarella’s “obligation” to safeguard the euro and block the new Euroskeptic coalition from taking power, analysts told RT.

Italian President Sergio Mattarella announced the appointment on Monday, following his controversial decision to withdraw his support for the new government. Mattarella had objected to the Euroskeptic coalition’s choice for economy minister, Paolo Savona, insisting that the post must be reserved for someone who would not risk Italy’s exit from the euro. Savona, a respected economist, professor and former government minister, has been a vocal critic of the euro and advocated preparing “Plan B” for Italy on quitting the Eurozone.


In remarks given shortly after, Cottarelli vowed to establish a new government “very quickly” and tackle pressing issues ahead of fresh elections to be held in the fall or early next year.


"I'll present myself to parliament with a program which – if it wins the backing of parliament – would include the approval of the 2019 budget. Then parliament would be dissolved with elections at the beginning of 2019," Cottarelli said.


READ MORE: ‘President undermines election results, pushes for his own govt.’ – MP from Italy's M5S

