Man flees Tokyo firebombing to Hiroshima-and survives Little Boy.
Same man flees to Nagasaki and Survives Fat Man.
Dies of cancer in his 90s.
Only guy ever recorded to survive two nuclear bomb attacks.
Man flees Tokyo firebombing to Hiroshima-and survives Little Boy.
Same man flees to Nagasaki and Survives Fat Man.
Dies of cancer in his 90s.
Only guy ever recorded to survive two nuclear bomb attacks.
Man flees Tokyo firebombing to Hiroshima-and survives Little Boy.
Same man flees to Nagasaki and Survives Fat Man.
Dies of cancer in his 90s.
Only guy ever recorded to survive two nuclear bomb attacks.
Man flees Tokyo firebombing to Hiroshima-and survives Little Boy.
Same man flees to Nagasaki and Survives Fat Man.
Dies of cancer in his 90s.
Only guy ever recorded to survive two nuclear bomb attacks.