Nuclear attack covers up the COVID vaxx deaths and their having to take responsibility?
Probably wouldn't support any specific "Holy Book".
Is freedom anarchy?
Is anarchy chaos?
Is order freedom?
chaos <order <> chaos <> order
Concur. Taoism is more philosophy than religion. I hesitated to use the yin/yang, but it expresses the point. Both sides exist…as they must…and both are in perpetual struggle for dominance, but the principle of balance ensures neither will ever win.
Good can't win or lose
Evil can't win or lose
Because one cannot exist without the other. Darkness cannot exist without the light.
Relax. That's Fake Putin. He's an actor just like Fake Bidan. You aren't watching "leaders" act on "patriotic feelings". They're just reading a script. It's a reality show…scripted for your entertainment and fright.
People who believe it is real do dumb things in response and get other people killed. Avoid those people.
Fuck off, Delores.
Caesar = Emporer
Czar = Caesar
Kaiser = Caesar
Putin is just another royal, propped up by the church (to provide security and validation for their own con) in a long line of Monarchs/Autocrats/Dictators…
The church empowers the figurehead, and the figurehead empowers the church. Meanwhile both evils are fucking the people, while claiming to save them from "evil".
"Why is the Candian PM so important/"
Blackberry was owned by Research in Motion (RIM)…a canadian firm.
Who has it all?
Because advertising sells way better on the beautiful lie, than the cold harsh truth.
In a master chess move, Biden shared military intel w/China, knowing they would share it w/Putin who would use it to attack Ukraine. Biden used Putin to cover up his dirty dealings in Ukraine, and established himself as a master chess player.
Xi and Putin got played.
Biden FTW
"Russian separatists blew up Chernobyl" sounds like a really plausible FAKENEWS storyline that's now been axed from the script.
They can "fake" anything. It's in Russian hands now, so fewer worries.