>Hurr durr Fake Q was just trolling the deep state and really got em good
None of them bit on the troll.
Even Mike Fucking Rothschild was saying no outside comms QTards are being thirsty morans.
Let that sink in about what a waste doing it was.
>Hurr durr Fake Q was just trolling the deep state and really got em good
None of them bit on the troll.
Even Mike Fucking Rothschild was saying no outside comms QTards are being thirsty morans.
Let that sink in about what a waste doing it was.
You only trolled many of your loyal followers both on/off board that were adding up all the "coincidences" and key names supporting it.
So, now the Mike Rothschilds are keking and the followers are all thanks a bunch you niggers about it.
Totally unnecessary.
And if course Telecancer's Fake McInerney can't allow Fake Q to hog all the spotlight today.
Well, that's nice.
Now I can finally join in on the Say Something Nice About Chelsea game.