That's not a Q proof, that's nonsense generated by an absolute retard.
That's not a Q proof, that's nonsense generated by an absolute retard.
I like how they're implying they're the voice of Q now.
KEK. Canadian Fake News Media just ran a story about how a guy "thinks" his pot use caused him to get psychosis. No science, just what the guy thought.
I'm so sick of the lies coming from the media. I feel the rage building inside me.
Science begs to differ.
So you link a study from a country where it's illegal? And actively lobbied to remain illegal? Good choice for a source.
The Deep State is scared of pot use. Big Phara, Big Oil, Big Lumber, and Big Cotton all lobby to keep that plant illegal.
Nice strawman and attempt to change the subject of the topic.
Where did the BA.2 variant go? It was supposed to be even more deadly and contagious than the Omicron variant. Where did it go? Why doesn't the news talk about COVID hospitalizations and deaths daily anymore? Because their COVID op failed and now they need a war to keep the masses distracted away from their crimes.