ok but how tf do you prove the sanctions have been imposed AND enforced?
>Biden is a lot tougher and stronger
>Biden is a lot tougher and stronger
>Biden is a lot tougher and stronger
>Biden is a lot tougher and stronger
>Biden is a lot tougher and stronger
I'm sure Putin is shaking in his boots right now lol
The whole world is right now looking at Biden as the largest, wettest, soppyiest pussy on the planet. It's glorious
Let's say you were educated at Yale, Harvard, and a specialized Foreign Intelligence Academy. You excel at martial arts and music. You then acquire a high-profile position within the intelligence community. You acquire a family - children, and pets. Your life is good.
You decide to get into politics because you aren't happy with your country's vector. You rise to the power of president and retain that position for ten years. Your knowledge of geopolitics is expert level. You are fully aware of your surroundings and are categorized as saavy, smart, sharp and seasoned. You know PRECISELY what consequences can be levied as well as incurred with every move you make.
You are then briefed on your long list of enemies and their plans for you. Presented to you is a list of punishments for stepping outside of your geopolitical realm signed by ten countries. This is what is revleaed to you if you breach:
Your assets will be frozen.
Your country will be EXILED from the global banking market.
Imports and exports will be deeply throttled.
Gas exports will haulted.
You and your cabinet will be cut off from the global banking market.
Your citizens will suffer.
Every country who works with you will be punished.
Your country may also be completely razed.
The consequences will be forever-lasting.
…but that land next to you is just too desireable because of so many juicy natural resources - even though you produce your own.
Based on that information - would you step outside of your legal geopolitical realm and "attack" your neighbor? If so, why?