Anonymous ID: 1131aa May 28, 2018, 8:47 p.m. No.1572758   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The answer is simple.


Trust Q.


We cannot rationally or empirically trust anyone else in the world during a war to end all wars of the first (final?) global fight to the death between good and evil. First time on a global level.


The evil could be identified because it necessarily collapses in on itself, as it is an absence, a lacking, an emptyness, a metaphysical parasite.


Nature occasionally has human independent accidental events that every last human being on Earth understands to be detrimental to their Earthly well being.


We might consider those events, purely from the perspective of human labor, a sort of metaphysical parasitism that we must destroy/stop or else it will destroy/stop all of us.


There are humans in the world who are the anthropological version of this parasitism.


This parasitism may LOOK as if it was in control of the world, but in fact it is completely dependent on us, we are not dependent on them.


This goes for not only material resources beneficial to human happiness and well-being, but for the existence and meaning of truth as humans could possibly understand it from any starting point.


It is predicated on choice, and choice is the only thing, I really do mean the only thing, that separates the cabal from hookworms.

Anonymous ID: 1131aa May 28, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.1573014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3051



Ya BITCHES, we know which comments are shill comments. It just means what freedom means. There are more choices that can be made and displayed on 8ch, that comes with a responsibility and obligation to be stronger than what you think you can be, trust me, it only feels like a lot before you start making the right choices and you increase the strength you never knew you had because the only way to know is by experiencing it, and the only way to experience anything better is to start with choosing to do it, even if you don't know how long it will take to do it. You have to first choose it, and you can easily choose it, you really can. All thoughts that say otherwise are but fragments of a necessarily incomplete picture.


Do we want the full picture or not?


The full picture includes easily identifiable shills. Let them shill. They are powerless here. All comments that support and respond to the shills are from the same shills. The 5 node bot tactic. Shariablue.


The shills are unironically the internet's most disgusting, perverted, hostile, inflammatory, racist, sexist, and uneducated (destroying academia destroyed organized, centralized education, including their own, which made them lose to decentralized communications.