Anonymous ID: a31d47 May 28, 2018, 8:33 p.m. No.1572604   🗄️.is 🔗kun



That's is quite true, seeing it all over, now. They think they are going to diminish his character before the midterms so they can keep or get who ever they want in… They forget, I guess who they are dealing with.

Anonymous ID: a31d47 May 28, 2018, 8:40 p.m. No.1572679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2743 >>3078

Trump administration says reports of 1,500 lost immigrant kids 'completely false'


The 1,500 immigrant children whom critics claim were lost while in U.S. custody were instead turned over caretakers who didn't respond to the government's follow-up contacts, the Department of Health and Human Services said Monday.


The Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is part of the department, began voluntarily making 30-day follow-up calls in late 2016 to sponsors who had taken the unaccompanied minors, and figures on those who couldn't be reached were disclosed during a Congressional hearing in April. The calls were intended to determine whether the children or their sponsors needed further government services.


"These children are not 'lost,'" Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan said in a statement. "Their sponsors – who are usually parents or family members and in all cases have been vetted for criminality and ability to provide for them – simply did not respond or could not be reached."


Many may have ignored the government's efforts because they were in the U.S. illegally and didn't want to risk further contact with federal authorities, he said.


"The U.S. taxpayer can no longer be responsible for being a surrogate parent for every would-be illegal immigrant who crosses our border," the department said in the statement.


"While Health and Human Services houses and cares for unaccompanied children until the point at which unaccompanied children can be released to a sponsor, Congress has not given Health and Human Services the power or the funding to reach far beyond its primary statutory authority," the agency added. "Indeed, that could require billions of additional dollars."


The children cited in the Congressional hearing are not among those separated from their parents because of the Trump administration's efforts to prosecute parents or guardians who entered the U.S. without appropriate papers.


Trump campaigned for president on promises to improve border security and has pledged to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.



Anonymous ID: a31d47 May 28, 2018, 8:57 p.m. No.1572876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2966

Trace Adkins to join Trump at campaign-style rally in Tennessee


The art of the campaign rally has always worked for President Trump. Those cheerful, bodacious get-togethers are a reliable and effective weapon in the Trump arsenal, and certainly one of his favorite forms of outreach.


On Tuesday, Mr. Trump heads for Tennessee and some friendly territory indeed, off to Nashville for an early evening rally with all the trimmings. An enthusiastic, affectionate audience awaits him; Mr. Trump won 94 of the state’s 95 counties in the 2016 presidential election and most continue to look kindly on the president.


There is also considerable celebrity draw for the event. Trace Adkins — the towering, 6-foot-6-inch country music star known for his powerful baritone — will be on stage as well.


The pair have known each other for a decade. Mr. Adkins was a finalist on NBC’s “Celebrity Apprentice” in 2008, hosted by a famous reality TV star by the name of Donald Trump.


“As a huge supporter of the Wounded Warriors Project that helps our great veterans, and so many other important charities, Trace will help set the perfect patriotic tone for the rally. This will be a special treat for President Trump’s supporters Tuesday night,” says Michael Glassner, CEO of Donald J. Trump for President Inc.


Mr. Trump will also headline a fundraiser during his visit for Rep. Marsha Blackburn, who is now pursuing Tennessee’s U.S. Senate seat — of pivotal interest in party circles since Republican Sen. Bob Corker will be retiring at the end of his term. Democrats would like nothing more than to move in on the vacancy.


“Democrats sense an opportunity to flip a Senate seat held by Republicans for two decades,” an Associated Press analysis noted Monday.


One of Mrs. Blackburn’s opponents is former Democratic Gov. Phil Bredesen who bests her in two statewide polls conducted by Vanderbilt and Middle Tennessee State universities.


In the meantime, the Tuesday rally marks Mr. Trump’s second visit to Nashville in 2018. In January, the president was in Music City to address the American Farm Bureau Federation. They liked him, and the feeling was mutual.


“You embody the values of hard work, grit, self-reliance and sheer determination,” he told them in his visit five months ago.



Anonymous ID: a31d47 May 28, 2018, 9:25 p.m. No.1573173   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Top aide to North Korean leader lands in Singapore as summit preparations continue


A top aide to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in Singapore on Monday night (May 28), Japanese public broadcaster NHK said on Tuesday, the latest indication that the on-again, off-again summit with US President Donald Trump is going ahead.


Kim Chang Son, Kim's de facto chief of staff, flew to Singapore via Beijing on Monday night, the report said.


At the same time, a team of US government officials, including the White House deputy chief of staff for operations Joe Hagin, left US Yokota Air Base in Japan for Singapore on Monday, NHK said.


The White House said a "pre-advance" team was travelling to Singapore to meet with the North Koreans.


The reports indicate that planning for the historic summit, initially scheduled for June 12, is moving ahead after Trump called it off last week. A day later, Trump said he had reconsidered, and officials from both countries were meeting to work out details.


In a flurry of diplomacy over the weekend, Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae In held a surprise meeting on Saturday at the border village of Panmunjom, during which they agreed the North Korea-US summit must be held.


Moon said on Monday there could be more impromptu talks between the two Koreas in the lead-up to the summit.


And on Sunday, the US State Department said American and North Korean officials had met at Panmunjom.


North Korea defends its nuclear and missile programmes as a deterrent against perceived aggression by the United States, which keeps 28,500 troops in South Korea, a legacy of the 1950-53 Korean War, which ended in a truce, not a peace treaty.


It has long said it is open to eventually giving up its nuclear arsenal if the United States withdraws its troops from South Korea and ends its "nuclear umbrella" alliance with Seoul.

